Having Trouble Paying Your Electric Bill? We're Here to Help!

Submitted by sshockley on
A white house wrapped in a tan sweater, with a tan sweater roof, orange, gold and white snowflakes. Also large orange block with the word heap in all caps in white with winter crisis in lowercase beneath it in white.

CLEVELAND, January 23, 2025 -  As the cold weather settles in, many of us turn to space heaters or crank up the furnace to stay warm. While necessary, these actions can lead to increase energy usage and higher electric bills.

To help you maintain your electric service, Cleveland Public Power accepts funding from all assistance programs for income-eligible residents.

Available Assistance Programs

Ohio HEAP or LiHEAP is an energy assistance program that accepts applications from June 2024 through May 2025. Customers must complete the application and mail it to the Columbus, Ohio address. You can find the applications online at energyhelp.ohio.gov or at the local community action agency, the post office or library.

Winter Crisis HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program):
This federally funded program is an emergency funding assistance providing a one-time benefit of up to $750, to stop disconnection of service, restore services, or establish new service. The utility will apply these funds directly to your utility bill, to help offset costs. The program runs from November 1 through March 31.

Step Forward Assistance:
Our local partners at Step Forward can help you access HEAP through their 24/7 Automated Contact Center at 216-480-HEAP (4327).

•    Schedule an appointment via the automated system (first-come, first-served).

•    Complete the Energy Assistance Application (available in English or Spanish).

•    Submit the required income documentation. Applications are also available at local libraries.

For assistance, call 216-480-4327 to set up your appointment.

Winter Reconnect Option (November 1 - April 15, 2004):
If your service has been disconnected or is at risk of disconnection, you can:
•    Make a one-time payment of $175 to restore or prevent disconnection, and agree to a manageable payment arrangement for your remaining balance. This option is only available to residential customers.

Stay warm and let us help you navigate these challenging months. For more information, reach out to Cleveland Public Power today!