Fall is officially here, temperatures are falling like the beautiful tree leaves. With colder temperatures, homes are chilly prompting the use of space heaters and furnaces to keep warm. Utilizing these appliances may result in increased consumption of electricity.
Beginning Monday, November 1, 2021, and running through March 31, 2022 assistance is available for income-eligible residents. The federally funded, Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), is available to help offset the cost with a one-time benefit of up to $750 applied directly to your utility bill.
From November 1, 2021, through April 15, 2022 customers who have had their service disconnected, or are under the threat of disconnection can make a one-time-only payment of $175, to restore or prevent disconnection of services. They must also agree to an acceptable payment arrangement for the outstanding balance.
In addition to HEAP funds, there are still Covid-19 Relief funds available for residents in need. Information on these funds can also be found by contacting either Step Forward or Cleveland Housing Network.
To receive the benefit you must apply by completing the Energy Assistance Application (English or Spanish) and submitting a copy of the required income documents. Applications are also available through your Local Energy Assistance Provider listed above, and local libraries.
You can also call 216-350-8008 to schedule an appointment.