News Archive

It’s time to fall back! Don’t forget – change batteries too!

Submitted by sshockley on

On average, eight people die in a home fire daily in the U.S.—almost 3,000 people yearly. While working smoke alarms cut the chance of dying in a fire nearly in half, roughly two-thirds of all home fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) statistics.

Winter Energy Assistance available now through March 31, 2023

Submitted by sshockley on

Fall is officially here, and temperatures are falling like beautiful tree leaves. With colder temperatures, homes are chilly, prompting the use of space heaters and furnaces to keep warm. Utilizing these appliances may result in increased consumption of electricity.

Beginning Tuesday, November 1, 2022, and running through March 31, 2023, assistance is available for income-eligible residents. The federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is available to help offset the cost with a one-time benefit of up to $800 applied directly to your utility bill.

Cybersecurity in the home: 3 steps households can take

Submitted by sshockley on

The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of Americans to embrace working from their own home; a concept they had limited or no experience with at the time. And while many employees have returned to the office, a recent University of Chicago study found that 72% of those workers surveyed would like to continue working from home for at least 2 days a week, and 32% said they would like to work from home permanently. In this new reality, having your household safe and secure from cyber threats needs to be a top priority.

Happy Public Power Week

Submitted by sshockley on

This week, Cleveland Public Power (CPP) will celebrate Public Power Week and more than 2,000 other electric utilities that collectively provide electricity on a not-for-profit basis to more than 47 million Americans. Cleveland Public Power is dedicated to providing reliable and affordable service and takes pride in serving the community. Public Power Week helps CPP share this message and show the power of the community.

Cleveland Public Power's disconnection procedures

Submitted by sshockley on

As scammers continue to use scare tactics on unsuspecting residents, we thought we would again outline Cleveland Public Power’s process for disconnection of electric service. We also want to assure residents that we are not making calls to our competitor’s customers threatening disconnection of their service.

CPP will not call your home asking you to pay your bill, and our staff will not visit your home seeking payment.

Here are the ways Cleveland Public Power accepts payment:

Are you prepared for an emergency?

Submitted by sshockley on

Did you know September is National Preparedness Month? During this month, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the Ad Council seek to raise awareness about the importance of being prepared if an emergency arises.

The types of emergencies vary depending on geographic location and weather. The key is ensuring you and your loved ones have everything you need. 
The first step is to make a plan. When developing this plan, consider the following:

September 30th is the deadline for help with summer bills

Submitted by sshockley on

Are you struggling to manage your household budget due to high electric bills from summer's hot, humid days? If so, help is available throughout September.

For income-eligible residents, a federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps offset the cost with a one-time benefit applied directly to your utility bill. This program runs until the end of September. 

Utility scammers are targeting electric customers, ignore them!

Submitted by sshockley on

July 29, 2022, CLEVELAND –We are receiving complaints of customers receiving a recorded message threatening to disconnect electric service if payment isn’t received immediately.

If you receive a similar call, please report this activity to Public Utilities Security at (216) 443-2426. You should also call our offices and report the attempted scam. Here are a few things we will not do:

Summer HEAP funds are available through September 30th

Submitted by sshockley on

Are you struggling to manage your household budget due to high electric bills from summer's hot, humid days? If so, help is available through September.

For income-eligible residents, a federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps offset the cost with a one-time benefit applied directly to your utility bill. This program runs until the end of September.

CPP customers your Electric Service Agreement has changed

Submitted by sshockley on

ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: The City of Cleveland, by and through City Council, amended the City Charter Title III, Chapter 523 Rules and Rates.  Specifically, Codified Ordinance §523.19 amends your Electric Service Agreement with Cleveland Public Power effective May 25, 2022.  Please review the City of Cleveland Codified Ordinance §523.19 which summarizes the amended Electric Service Agreement.